7364 Billfish have been Released to be Caught Again


Tournament Anglers Association (TAA) currently runs two tournaments. The Costa Rica Tournament that will be in January and the Eastcape Tournament that takes place in June. Both tournaments are qualifying tournaments to the IGFA Offshore Championships.

The Tournament Experience

TAA takes great pride in running tournaments that are fair, provide great competition, fantastic camaraderie, are safe for both the angler and the fish. Typically we range between 25-50 anglers per tournament. Our Eastcape Tournament typically in an angler only tournament.

Tournament Chairpersons

Tournament of Champions

1983   Neal McNamara/Bill Hoey
1984   Neal McNamara/Roy Vallarino
1985   No Tournament
1986   Bill Mazza/Darrell Ticehurst
1987   Darrell Ticehurst/Jay deBeaubien
1988   George Malloch/Jim DeWitt
1989   Bill Hoey/Jay deBeaubien
1990   Dan Radman/Darrell Ticehurst
1991   Gary Morgan/Willie Brennan
1992   Gary Morgan/Willie Brennan
1993   Bill Mazza/Dan Radman
1994   Arlen Steiner/Jim Ramsey
1995   Dick Wallace/Greg Wallace

Eastcape Billfish Tournament

1984   Tom Snyder/Neal McNamara
1985   Tom Snyder/Neal McNamara
1986   Tom Snyder/Neal McNamara
1987   Tom Snyder/Walt Godber
1988   John Jackson/John Zehnder
1989   No Tournament
1990   No Tournament
1991   No Tournament
1992   Bill Sangster/Jim DeWitt
1993   Walt Sparks
1994   Walt Sparks
1995   Mike Green/Jerry Yahiro/Alan Briltz
1996   Mike Green/Jerry Yahiro/Alan Briltz
1997   Terry Smith/Donna Smith
1998   Neal McNamara/John Jackson
1999   Neal McNamara/Darrell Ticehurst
2000   Neal McNamara/Steve & Debbie House
2001   Steve & Debbie House
2002   Steve & Debbie House
2003   Darrell Ticehurst
2004   Mike McElroy/Bill Evans
2005   Bill Evans/Neal McNamara/Dale Miles
2006   Neal McNamara/Dale Miles
2007   Dale Mile/Jim Severson
2008   Jim Severson
2009   Bill Evans
2010   Keith Leimbach
2011   Bruce Main
2012   Bill Evans/Will Evans
2013   Will Evans/Pete Davis
2014   Will Evans/Pete Davis
2015   Pete Davis/Steve Davis
2016   Steve Davis/Jerry Yahiro
2017   Steve Davis/Dale Miles
2018   Paul Steigerwald/Steve Davis
2019   Paul Steigerwald/Steve Davis
2021   Bill Evans/Will Evans
2022   Bill Evans/Will Evans/Dale Miles
2023   Bill Evans/Will Evans


Ixtapa Sailfish Tournament

1990    Rocky Franich
1991    No Tournament
1992    John Jackson/Bill Mazza
1993    John Jackson/Bill Mazza
1994    Neal McNamara/George Malloch
1995    Pat Snyder/Judy Franich
1996    Jim Gill/Pat Snyder/Judy Franich
1997    Alene Molle/Smokey Molle/Jim Gill
1998    Don Veninga/Alene &Smokey Molle
1999    Don Veninga/Gary Lucas
2000    Gary Lucas/Bob Fox
2001    Bob Fox/Pete Davis
2002    Pete Davis/Steve Davis
2003    Steve Davis/Jack Betts
2004    Dale Miles/Neal McNamara
2005    Dale Miles/Dave Holland
2007    Dave Holland/Mike Hopley
2008    Mike Hopley/Rod Van Saun
2009    Rod Van Saun/Ed Lynch
2010    Ed Lynch/Steve Sears
2014    Dale Miles
2015    Dale Miles/Gary Lucas
2016    Gary Lucas/Bob Fox

Torneo el Arco

2011   Steve Sears
2012   Steve Lynch

Costa Rica Sailfish Tournament

2017   Pete Davis/Joan Vernon
2018   Joan Vernon/Pete Davis
2019   Joan Vernon/Scott Kozak
2020   Joan Vernon